Keyboard Fantasies Trailer
As a sci-fi obsessed woman living in near isolation, musician Beverly Glenn-Copeland wrote and self-released Keyboard Fantasies in rural Ontario in 1986. 30 years on Glenn Copeland (formerly Beverly Glenn-Copeland) began to receive emails from young men across the world, thanking him for the music they’d recently discovered. Courtesy of a rare-record collector in Japan and subsquent re-issues, the music finally found its audience, gaining global recognition two generations down the line. Responding to the demand of his new-found fan base, Glenn has formed a new ensemble – Beverly Glenn-Copeland & Indigo Rising, to play the music of Keyboard Fantasies live for the first time. Starring: Beverly Glenn-Copeland, Jeremy Costello, Nick Dourado, Kurt Inder and Bianca Palmer.
World Premiere : Barbican Doc N’ Roll Film Festival 2019.11
U.S. Premiere : MoMA PS1 2019.12
2020 Official Selections :
International Film Festival Rotterdam
BFI Flare London LGBTIQ+ Film Festival
Colour sequences by Whitney Conti & Spectacle Arts using an original analog, in camera colour technique that creates two images with changing colour spectrums. Colour spectrum and plates by Pink Floyd lighting engineer and inventor Peter Wynne Wilson. DOP Morgan K. Spencer. Used in Keyboard Fantasies as our Glenn visual sound dream sequences to animate Glenn’s music and relationship to environment.
Treatment to secure LUSH’s first feature documentary funded partnership. Overviewing acts, beats, voices / contributors, production schedule and distribution plans. Archival research and art direction for interview sequences covering Philadelphia housing segregation in the 40s-50s, the 60-70s gay rights and Canadian political folk movement and the Atari infused, new age magic of the 80s.
A film by Posy Dixon
PRODUCER Liv Proctor
DOP Lee Burnett, Kevin A Fraser & Morgan K. Spencer
EDITOR Tim Beeston
COLOUR SEQUENCES Spectacle Arts Studio
SOUND DESIGN John Cohen & Rob Szeliga
COLOURIST Steve Atkins
COMPOSER Beverly Glenn-Copeland
Copyright 2019 by LUCA Productions Ltd. All Rights Reserved